// Channel Status TurboIRC Script // Category : Defense // Copyright © Chourdakis Michael , 1998 // This script is the same like PIRCH's 3STRIKES PIL // or load it automatically : /_event ONBADTEXT 21 2 0 +* PRIVMSG * :*|||-:* PRIVMSG $mynick :*|||?.\demos\badtext.txt // We used 21 for "Enabled" , "Afterfire" and "GlobalMatch" // the 2 after requires for us to be @ or owner in the channel // You may add more banned words // This event users IntegerList[3] // $3* holds the text string BadWords = "*FUCK* *POUSTI* *MALAKAS* *STUPID*" string TestStr = "" for (int K = 0 ; K < 4 ; K += 1) TestStr = "" TestStr = GetParameter(K,BadWords) if (TestStr=="") return endif if (IsMatching("$3*",TestStr,1,0)==1) goto BadMatched endif endfor // nothing matched ! return :BadMatched if (FindStringPos(GetClientMode(),"x")==-1) goto NotIRCX endif // Get User's level int Z = GetUserData($nick,3) if (Z==0) // FIRST warning /target $channel +$nick /display $channel $nick , this is your 4,8FIRST1,0 warning ! Please do not say such word(s) here ! /target $channel /setuserdata $nick 3 1 return 0 endif if (Z==1) // LAST warning /target $channel +$nick /display $channel $nick , this is your 8,4LAST1,0 warning !! If you keep talking like this , you will get in trouble !! /target $channel /setuserdata $nick 3 2 return 0 endif if (Z==2) // KICK /setuserdata $nick 3 0 /mode $channel +b %DefaultBanFromMask("$0")% /kick $channel $nick You really made me mad !! return 0 endif :NotIRCX // Get User's level int Z = GetUserData($nick,3) if (Z==0) // FIRST warning /display $channel $nick , this is your 4,8FIRST1,0 warning ! Please do not say such word(s) here ! /setuserdata $nick 3 1 return 0 endif if (Z==1) // LAST warning /display $channel $nick , this is your 8,4LAST1,0 warning !! If you keep talking like this , you will get in trouble !! /setuserdata $nick 3 2 return 0 endif if (Z==2) // KICK /setuserdata $nick 3 0 /mode $channel +b %DefaultBanFromMask("$0")% /kick $channel $nick You really made me mad !! return 0 endif